New Beginnings

If there is anything I have learned in the last 3 years, is that life happens more unexpectedly and quickly than you plan sometimes. Things that you don't think would happen are thrown your way, and with them come decisions that can veer you off of your desired path - one you worked so hard for. I try to think of this long "creative break" as an opportunity I had to discover greater things about myself.

What have I been up to?

I've traveled places far away and grown so much as a human. I've worked my butt off to make ends meet and in the process have learned a ton about business and finance. I dared to step out of my comfort zone and took singing and dancing lessons! I even performed in a few dance shows, and plan to do so some more. I've bonded with my family more than ever before, and have built friendships that are worth every moment I struggled with the "What should I do with my career?" dilema. Quite honestly, I wouldn't change these experiences for anything in the world!

The drawback?

My technical artistic skills are kind of rusty... but this is why I'm here now.

This new website represents a new beginning in my creative career [and life], and this blog is a promise to myself and all of you, to pick up a pencil, a camera, a mouse or tablet, and DO SOME CREATIVE WORK.

I'm not sure where this new venture will take me or what I'll be able to accomplish, but I'm finally ready for the challenge! I'm excited to get back into the crazy-but-wonderful world of creativity!

Stay tuned, my friends!

