Never a Dull Moment.
Marley Lively | Bree Plumb
I'm not sure how it's been for everyone else, but for a while there I thought making good girlfriends in my 20s or 30s was really hard. I didn't grow up in the U.S, so in a way I felt a bit like an outsider. Don't get me wrong, I have met some incredible people through out my years in California - PEOPLE THAT I ADORE! - but, these girls have been an essential part of my survival lately. They are the kind of friends that you text for day-to-day commentary, the ones you share dumb memes with, go get beers with any time, and you probably see 20 times a week and don't get sick of their faces! These two babes have been that and more for me the last couple of years! We have partied, traveled, worked together, danced and performed together, cried, and laughed until our bellies hurt! Every single time we hang out it's an unpredictable experience, and I feel so lucky to have them in my life!
Please enjoy this photo shoot I did for their birthdays this year. They make it look so easy, don't they?
Love you, my friends! Cheers to many more adventures to come!
Romina Rossel | Bree Plumb | Marley Lively - Photo Credit: Marley.