What the Funk?

Spiraling Down - Self portrait

Spiraling Down - Self portrait

I've been feeling a little bit off lately, so in a effort to snap out of this funk, I decided to give myself a different challenge: To create something out of my comfort zone and put it out in the universe even if it sucks! I tend to overthink my process too much, and this limits my creative thinking. I need to focus less on the final result, and just enjoy experimenting with techniques and media.

Illustrator and drawing are not my forte at all, but I've been meaning to get my hands on the pen tool for a while now. I started playing around with it, and before I knew it, this self portrait piece started to take shape. I finished the piece off in Photoshop, and added some of the touches that I feel identify my style. Without pressure or stress, I achieved my goal of creating something new. The best part is I had fun in the process because I wasn't focused on whether it was going to be an amazing piece in the end, or not :)


Romina Rossel1 Comment