About Me:
Education: Bachelors in Visual Effects & Motion Graphics - Diploma in Photography
Other Talents: Pro shower singer and low key really good cook (I don’t like cooking for other people though, haha!)
Things I couldn't live without: My dog Muffin, conversations with my mom, beer.
Favorite Food: Peruvian food, steak, tacos.
Interesting Fact: I was born almost blind.
Must do's: Sister-time, beach days/beers with my girlfriends :)
My inspiration comes from: Travel, culture, family, art and helping others.
Favorite Scent: Bergamot
Life Goals: Self expression through art, having a family of my own, teaching about sustainability, having a rewarding and meaningful creative career.
Nationality: Born and raised in Peru, lived in Venezuela for 6 years, US citizen since 2001.
Weaknesses: Sleeping in and binge-watching Netflix. French fries.
Strengths: Left and right brain thinker. Fast learner. Empathetic.
Favorite Holiday: Halloween & Christmas.
Ballsiest Thing I've Ever Done: Traveled to Bali alone.
Movies: VFX: Jurassic Park; Drama: Motorcycle Diaries; Comedy: Mean Girls; Disney: Beauty & The Beast.
TV Shows: Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Young Sheldon, Freaks & Geeks.
Hero: My dad <3